The mission of the Region 10 Regional Response Team (RRT10) and the Northwest Area Committees (NWACs) of the Puget Sound, Columbia River, and Inland Areas is to protect public health, safety, and the environment. We ensure coordinated, efficient, and effective support for federal, state, tribal, local, and international responses to significant oil and hazardous substance incidents within the Pacific Northwest Region, as mandated by the National Contingency Plan (NCP).
We are committed to developing response plans and coordinating preparedness activities before a pollution incident occurs. This includes addressing regional and international issues and providing guidance to industry, State Emergency Response Commissions, Tribal Emergency Response Commissions, and Local Emergency Planning Committees.
Upcoming Meetings
Save the Date!
March 11, 2025: Puget Sound Area Committee Meeting, Neah Bay WA
March 12, 2025: RRT10 Spring Meeting, Neah Bay WA
See the Meeting and Meeting Summaries page for agendas and additional detail.
Contingency Planning Updates
For decades, the Northwest Area Contingency Plan (NWACP) outlined oil and hazardous substances spill preparedness and response policies and practices in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. This one plan served as the regional contingency plan (RCP), inland and coastal area contingency plans (ACPs), and is the state plan for Washington and Oregon. In 2017, the U.S. Coast Guard directed each Captain of the Port to create standalone coastal ACPs that are distinct from RCPs. In 2021, both Sector Puget Sound and Sector Columbia River published their own stand-alone coastal ACPs. These changes have necessitated a change in how oil and hazardous substances contingency planning is implemented in the Pacific Northwest. As a result, the regional planning partners have been working through a process to develop a new framework for contingency planning work.
In July 2024, planning partners agreed upon and signed a planning framework. The Framework outlines the hierarchy of plans, leadership, and membership of the Region 10 Regional Response Team (RRT) and the Area Committees of the Pacific Northwest. The Framework also outlines proposed meeting schedules for the various planning bodies. The purpose of this Framework is to ensure the planning requirements and objectives of state, federal, and tribal planning partners continue to be met amidst this change. Learn more about the updates at the links below:
Pacific Northwest Spill Contingency Planning Framework (July 2024)
Pacific Northwest Spill Contingency Planning Updates Summary (November 2024)
Public Q&A Session Presentation Slides and Meeting Recording (December 9, 2024)