The mission of the Region 10 Regional Response Team (RRT10) and the Northwest Area Committees (NWACs) of the Puget Sound, Columbia River, and Inland Areas is to protect public health, safety, and the environment. We ensure coordinated, efficient, and effective support for federal, state, tribal, local, and international responses to significant oil and hazardous substance incidents within the Pacific Northwest Region, as mandated by the National Contingency Plan (NCP).
We are committed to developing response plans and coordinating preparedness activities before a pollution incident occurs. This includes addressing regional and international issues and providing guidance to industry, State Emergency Response Commissions, Tribal Emergency Response Commissions, and Local Emergency Planning Committees.
The RRT10 Northwest Planning website has a new look!
We invite users may submit public comments through the website menu on page left
Upcoming Meetings
Northwest Area Committees Joint Meeting
Date: Tuesday September 24th, 2024 (Associated RRT10 Meeting Wednesday September 25th, 2024)
Location: Three Rivers Casino Resort, 5647 Hwy 126, Florence, OR 97439
View Agenda Here
Join via Zoom starting at 9:00am PST by clicking here:
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Meeting ID: 825 7863 4897
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